You’ve written really great content for your website. Your product images are polished. Your overall site look is professional. But only few a of your visitors are converting into leads and customers? Maybe your website needs to be redesigned?
Discover 8 web design trends, techniques, and tools that will define web and digital product designs in 2019.
1. 3D illustration
Yes, the future is not flat. Nowadays designers are looking to add depth and realism to graphic design to blur the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds. Designs don’t so much grant people their humanity back as render them from flat illustrations into cartoons.
3D typography is about to pop. The best part about it is there’s no particular type that works best for this trend: bold, skinny, sans-serif, script, any font can be rendered in 3D.
Beyond typography, we’re seeing a lot of gorgeously rendered 3D compositions that give the impression of being still-lives from distant planets. In both directions, the effect is stunning—these compositions literally jump right off the page and make it impossible to look away.
Three-dimensional works seem to be everywhere right now: entire compositions that have so much depth, you can’t help but reach out and touch them.
2. Opposite approaches to color based on market position
In 2019, more companies will follow the lead of other notable brands and pursue softer and more approachable color palettes.
In contrast, we’ll continue to see indie designers’ and makers’ companies carving out attention with bolder, more saturated, and opinionated colors. We’ll still see heavy use of illustrations in an effort to humanize technology and more importantly, humanize the brand.
For example, Cresford Real Estate website design, which is made by Digilite team, is slick and minimalistic that worked well with the luxurious feel the client had intended for the platform.
3. From playful wordmark to serious logo
In 2018, we saw several highly visible brands: all brands identities eventually result in a Helvetica version.
For instance, Mailchimp — evolved in a direction that honestly feels more fitting for a brand that’s made distinctive voice and playful brand assets a keystone of their marketing.
You have to wonder if this shift from recognizably quirky to ubiquitously voiceless has to do with the notion of cognitive fluency: the idea that we are most comfortable with that which we’ve experienced before.
With the world’s biggest, most familiar brands all boasting serif-less logos, it’s little wonder that a step in that direction is seen as the hallmark of a company attaining maturity. In that sense, this is a kind of meta-trend we expect to see over and over again, and 2019 is unlikely to be an exception.
4. More diverse, iconoclastic illustration styles
Illustrator Alice Lee reminds us:
“Really awesome things happen when we look beyond our immediate peers, competitors, and industry for sources of illustration inspiration.”
Illustrations can be tremendously helpful when you’re discussing more abstract concepts that can’t be easily captured in a single photo. And they require less logistical finagling than setting up a photo shoot — and feel far more custom than grabbing a few stock photos off the web.
5. Motion graphic design
Simply put, motion graphics are graphics that are in motion. This can include animation, audio, typography, imagery, video and other effects that are used in online media, television, and film.
“Motion graphics designer” is a somewhat new specialty for designers. Formerly reserved for TV and film, technological advances have reduced production time and costs, making the art form more accessible and affordable. Now, motion graphics can be found across all digital platforms, which has created all sorts of new areas and opportunities.
6. Bold typography
For some reason, any list of design trends always has to include “bold typography.” Seeing as typography has been around since 1439, you can’t really go wrong with that one.
The use of bold typefaces is a trend that gives personality to texts and is overtaking images as the main design element. The creative use of typography is taking a central stage.
When it comes to typography in 2019 you’ll find that the bigger and bolder, the better. Designers will be opting for artistic effects, extra-large font sizes, and huge headlines. Helvetica-inspired sans serifs have dominated digital spaces, and while they’ll remain as fashionable as ever, we can expect more typeface variety in the coming year.
7. Massive, screen-dominating text
Copywriters and other content specialists have long argued that content should always come first in the design process. And whether we’ve finally managed to convince the world of the value of content, or designers have just started to get really interested in letterforms, we’re starting to see websites that truly give textual content center stage.
Here is a great example of using this trend in Arab Community Centre of Toronto’s website design.
8. Overlap all the things
The era of card-based design got us all very into discrete objects with very clear, explicit groupings. It’s a sensible choice given gestalt psychology’s law of common regions.
But common regions aren’t the only way to visually link discrete elements. There’s also the law of uniform connectedness, which explains why it’s clear, in the design above, that “It’s a Light” refers to the lamp pictured on the left.
So in 2019, we expect to see a lot more exploration of ways to establish connectedness.
Want to have an attractive web design for your website? Contact one of the best web design studios in Markham and let the magic happen.